Taoists are Laozi Lovers

The title of this blog is the "un-Koan". Nothing to get. Just a statement of fact, wrapped in a terrible pun. ...But it suggests that I am a taoist. I don't claim that. But I am a "Laozi Lover'...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Empty but Marvelous

I started to write my first post with the title "What the internet needs: ANOTHER BLOG!!!" but that's not exactly how I feel about it.
Actually, I am kind of following a white rabbit - I started by viewing another individual's blog and then posting a comment. I saw that I had the choice to post anonymously, or to apply for a blogger account and post with an user ID.
If my blog is "about" anything, if I am true to myself, it will be about the joy of life. About recognizing each moment as as a precious jewel.
And about SHARING that joy with others.