Taoists are Laozi Lovers

The title of this blog is the "un-Koan". Nothing to get. Just a statement of fact, wrapped in a terrible pun. ...But it suggests that I am a taoist. I don't claim that. But I am a "Laozi Lover'...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Can you wait for the dust to settle?

Yeah, well, neither can I!

I wanted this post to be titled "The other shoe dropping", but as a general theme here, it just doesn't work very well.

Yeah, I did find out why the yellow lead was dead: blown fuse! More than likely, I was the author of my own misfortune, charging in to rewire the circuit and casually grounding the yellow wire.

The other stuff: well, I have mixed results!

One bright spot: I found, strangely enough, that my old AOL homepage is still there!

I don't know how much bandwidth it supports, but IT STILL HAS THE EMBEDDED AUDIO OF MARK FISHER READING THE PUB!

Here's the link: Taoists are Lao-Tse Lovers

As soon as it loads, if your sound card is on, you should hear Mark reading the poem.

This is some kind of positive outcome, if not exactly a resolution.

In other news, there's a more mixed outcome.

I had thought I was going to write here that we had solved the problem of Peter's sleepwalking, and particularly, his falling down in the bathroom, but alas it is more "nuanced" than that. For two whole months, he had had not episodes, and he had been taking the medicine the sleep specialist had prescribed, Clonazepam (first cousin to Diazepam, aka "Valium"), but I had not been sure that it was the pill, or if there was some "placebo" effect going on. Well, he had an episode, and it came out that he had stopped taking the pill for four days. "Well", I thought. "That settle it!", and I encouraged him to go back on the pill.

Sounded pretty good, but then, not long after, he had an episode even WHILE taking the pill! Even worse, it had happened much earlier in the night than it had ever happened before!

Well, back we went to the sleep specialist.

Long story short, he is now taking ANOTHER pill in addition. This one is called "Requip" - indicated for "Restless Leg Syndrome" and for Parkinson's!

Possibly the brightest news is that the doctor has assured me that the thrashing I had observed to occur always after he had fallen was NOT epilepsy, but merely a "parasomnia", sometimes called "head-banging".

Well, I'll take good news anywhere I can get it.



At 9:42 AM, Blogger edieraye said...

Sometimes we have to do a little digging in the dust to find the good news!

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Had it been seizures you would have been adding even MORE meds.

But...it never hurts to keep on keeping a close eye out. Even doctors can be wrong. Follow your gut and push harder if they don't give you the answers or listen to all of the symptoms.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger laozilover said...

I had forgotten about this post. Turns out it WAS epilepsy. As of 2020, it has been pretty much under control with prescription meds. Not without fuss, though, because the side effects of them are bothersome.


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