Joss Whedon's Dollhouse
I had hardly watched television at all in the last decade.
Nothing on TV interested me, except the occasional episode of SNL with Christopher Walken. Or, maybe, I would tune in for Headlines on Leno's show, especially if he was doing weddings ("The Hardin/Johnson nuptials", etc.)
A few years ago, some internet chatter about the movie SERENITY got me out to a nearby multiplex, and I really liked the movie.
So I followed up by bit-torrenting the 4-CD set of the Fox television series Firefly, and, without going into fawning detail appropriate to some fanboy site, let's just say that I became such a fan that I acquired a sanctioned copy of the afore alluded boxed set, just because I thought the packaging was so cool! I became such a 'browncoat" that I sought out several of the comic books that fill in gaps in the Firefly chronology.
I idly thought about maybe someday getting Buffy-the-Vampire-Slayer or Angel on DVD.
But then, someone posted in Salon about a new Wheedon series, Dollhouse, and I thought about tuning in.
Well, last Friday, I did.
It was episode 4, "Gray Hour", and I found myself sucked in!
The last time this had happened, it was "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman". Yep, that was more than thirty years ago!
And it isn't just Eliza Dushku, although she is, obviously, the star of the show.
It's because of what the show is: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets Mission Impossible, then forms a wicked menage a quatre with the Matrix and Memento!
Check it out! It's on Fox, Friday nights at 9 Eastern, 8 Central. Set your DVR or TiVo!
(You can catch up, like I did, on missed episodes, at hulu!)